Romulo Felippe

“Warrior Monk, one of the best fantasy books I’ve ever read”

“Warrior Monk is an epic history which we’ll see singular combats, treasons, intrigues and much more than we expect”


João Lopes


“Early afternoom on the Venice .

The sky is dyed red and the heat emanates from the waters of the Adriatic.

Tens of thousands soldiers, armed with weapons and armor, populate the narrow winding streets of the city, as well as the positioning of the war ships around the harbor. The men are crowded into the battlements of ramparts, their eyes sweeping  the horizon. Archers and spearmen stand on gentile and massive towers; Not even the apses of the chuches escape the occupation of combat. Bridges, canals, and squares become strategic trenches, whether the population hides in houses, underground areas, or seeking Divine protection under the central naves of the Great Temples.

Everyone is waiting for the Beast”

This is the way the author Romulo Felippe presents us with this epic journey of redemption and forgiveness.

Warrior Monk is an epic history which we’ll see singular combats, treasons, intrigues and much more than we expect.

It’s a journey which you’ll fall in love with a little but mortal mongolian princess, desire ride a black steed, wield Viacrucis, fight with warriors and barbarians through beautiful scenarios.

You’ll even see and feel the fire of battles in your blood.

This is the Warrior Monk, one of the best fantasy books I’ve ever read.

The author in his simple way to tell this history, can figurate side by side with the greatests fantasy authors around the world.

If I recomend? Of course.

read it and surprise yourself.


“A Kinght Templar is truly a fearless knight and safe from all sides.

His soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as his body is protected by steel armor.

He is therefore doubly armed, without the need of fear of demons and of men” (Bernard de Claraval – 1090 – 1153)

De Laude Novae Militae.

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